Forging the
future in gold

Focused on sustainable
Indigenous partnerships.

Capitalizing on District Scale Exploration in Ontario.

ONGold Resources News


Gold Exploration Canada

We are unlocking district scale exploration potential in Canada.

Creating the next gold developer

Gold is more precious than ever before, in the early stage of a once-in-a-generation systemic inflation cycle, demand for gold, notably from central banks around the world, is at an all-time high. With this immense potential, we are focused on creating Canada’s next gold developer.

Helming the district scale TPK project in Ontario

Northwestern Ontario’s Ti-pa-haa-kaa-ning (TPK) property is the largest till anomaly in North America. ​For this reason, it literally has a legion of followers.

This large property, covers the under-explored Stull-Wunnummin Fault Zone and spans 30 x 20km totalling 47,796 hectares, and is 100% owned by Northern Superior. ​

Our Team

World-class leaders, geologists, investors, and entrepreneurs working together to take Gold Exploration in Canada to great new heights.